
What is Ontological Coaching?

Ontological Coaching originates from the teachings of Ontology. According to Wikipedia, “Ontology is the philosophical study of the nature of being, becoming, existence, or reality, as well as the basic categories of being and their relations.”

It’s an area of inquiry that looks at the underlying structures of our reality, and how these structures influence our perception of the world.


Famous Ontologists

Some of the most prominent Ontologists include Aristotle, Plato, Immanuel Kant, John Locke, Thomas Aquinas, and Gottfried Leibniz. Each of these thinkers have made significant contributions to the field, and their work is still studied and discussed today.


Ontological Coaching Goes Deeper

Ontological Coaching lives under the premise that you are a co-creator, and the nature of your being is related to your reality. An Ontological Coach brings awareness to new possibilities through powerful questioning and supports you to take effective action. The role of an Ontological Coach is not to give you the answers because your inner knowing is creative and resourceful. They facilitate your process to acquire a deeper learning on a subconscious and conscious level. This method is more sustainable than merely teaching the “how to’s” that only temporarily satisfy and leaves the client remaining in old habits and old ways of thinking.


An Ontological Coach also trains you to become aware of the three elements of body, language, and emotions in addition to teaching proper planning and strategy. Because all three elements are interrelated and relevant to the greater human potential.


Not All Coaches Are Equal

The benefit of hiring an Ontological Coach trained through an ICF accredited school is that you shift your way of being to create true lasting change. Which goes beyond goal setting, motivation, and basic accountability.


For example, most coaches are not trained effectively to create a safe container for dealing with trauma, nor can they move a client through a difficult challenge that they’ve been struggling with for a long period of time. And the client is left with unmet expectations and possibly in a worse condition mentally, emotionally, and financially.


Julio Ollala, one of the biggest promoters of Ontological Coaching, best describes this in his book From Knowledge to Wisdom: Essays on the Crisis of Contemporary Learning by sharing the following statement:


“Unfortunately, coaching today is being practiced by many who are uncredentialed and unstudied, who are offering traditional consulting, training, and pop-psychology advice under the guise of “coaching.” It is being practiced by those caught in the same habits and traps of thinking that the clients they are trying to serve are in.”


This is why it’s valuable to invest on hiring not just any coach, but a trained Ontological Coach that knows what to listen for in order to coach you through your challenges. They have experienced breakthroughs themselves. They’ve done the inner work to clear their own self-limiting beliefs so they are better equipped to handle your fears and concerns in a constructive way. They are fully present to your unique situation. And through powerful questioning, they will facilitate your process so that you gain greater insight into your thoughts and actions.


Ontological Coaching Brings Greater Awareness

For example, having a fear of failure is actually setting you up for failure no matter what things you say or do right because the underlying context is incongruent.

Another way to understand this is to imagine that you are playing a game of dartboard. Only instead of focusing on the bullseye, your eyes are on the wall away from the board while you throw the dart. How likely will you hit the bullseye with the dart?


Similarly in life, your thoughts are like your eyes. And if your thoughts are not congruent to your actions, how likely is it that you will you get the outcome you really want?


You will begin to perceive things differently when working with an Ontological Coach.

And ultimately you will operate from a place of confidence and feel empowered knowing you will succeed.


How might this new way of being affect your actions and outcomes?


Why Work With An Ontological Coach?

Here are just a few examples of things you will accomplish:

  • Get A Behind-The-Scene Look At What Drives Your Actions And Why You’re Not Getting Results
  • Notice What Stops You From Achieving Your Dreams
  • Reshape The Way You See Yourself And Life
  • Peel Away The Self-Limiting Beliefs
  • And Create Once-And-For-All Shifts and Breakthroughs That Last A Lifetime


The benefit of this, is that you begin to really experience true peace, happiness, and far greater abundance than you can imagine!


Much success on your journey!




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