Mina Satori


Achieve your most audacious goals

Imagine this…

You’re in the flow of your creativity and power. Your vision is moving effortlessly forward and you’re in a place of ease and grace.

As a confident woman leader, you know what you want and what it takes to get there.

That means you’re willing to push yourself out of your comfort zone, and you are committed to doing the work on yourself to become a better human each day.

You’re doing what you love and making the world a better place WHILE you’re getting generously paid for your craft.

And when you’ve reached your desired outcome, you can just feel the excitement, the confidence that it brings, and the new doors of possibilities that open up for you.

At this point you may feel UNSTOPPABLE…

However, there’s Obstacles getting in the way of This

Do any of these statements sound familiar?

  • You worry about the future
  • You think you will fail
  • You feel inadequate or not good enough at times
  • You are unable to fully let go of past hurt, trauma, and conditioning
  • You still hold judgment towards yourself and others
  • You are always comparing yourself to others around you
  • You are easily influenced or become impacted by the opinion of others
  • You’re unable to say no or set healthy boundaries
  • You are an empath and have a giving heart, feeling the need to always serve and help others
  • You struggle with staying focused or don’t know where to place your energy to get the maximum results
  • You feel you’re not accomplishing enough and there is never enough time or resources for you
  • You may feel like you don’t have a choice or control over your situation
  • You have a hard time staying motivated or don’t have the energy to do things
  • And the list goes on…

What's Possible When You're No Longer Held Back By Fears And Self-Limiting Beliefs?

Live a life of freedom and adventure.

Achieve greater abundance, better relationships, and most importantly a healthy sense of self.
This CAN be your reality. Starting NOW.

Getting you unstuck and out of your own way so you can be the best version of yourself is my unwavering promise to you!

I’m here for you every step of the way. I want you to have miraculous results show up in your life. More than anything else, I want you to embody sovereignty with yourself, your relationships, and your life work.


~Struggling with your identity as a powerful woman.


~Lacking confidence.


~Letting insecurities get in the way that hold you back from being an effective leader in your work, family, or in the community.


These feelings and other concerns like them will become things of the past. Loving your life and living from your essence and true power is at the heart of everything I do.


Through my innovative, proven 3 step system, you will feel better about yourself and what you’re capable of. Awakening to the truth about yourself and your life, exploring what’s possible by stepping out of your comfort zone. And peeling away any layers of beliefs that are holding you back from your truest potential in this lifetime.


As your guiding light, you will shine in your life work and relationships.


Specifically, you will:


Know exactly what is getting in the way of your success

We’ll pinpoint where you’re stuck and I’ll coach you through those areas so you’re no longer stopped.

Create breakthroughs in all areas of your life

Develop healthy patterns and the success habits that are going to support your desired outcomes

Build a better future beginning now

Create a solid foundation that will get you to the end results you’re seeking faster than before, and know exactly the skills and resources that will get you there

This program is ideal for those who are serious about personal growth to truly transform and clear away any roadblocks getting in the way.


Whether it is in business, relationships, money, well-being, becoming a better leader, clearing unsupportive habits, having more fun and adventure, etc. you will receive a personalized plan, the action steps, and coaching support to achieve your wildest dreams.


During our time together you will

  • create a roadmap for your vision
  • know exactly your clear objective
  • know where to put your energy that counts the most
  • receive the tools to overcome any challenge – big or small
  • break free from the past and move forward with ease and grace

And if you are unclear about the new direction you want to take, then we will co-create together to flush out ideas and uncover what that “perfect” vision will be for you.


By the end of our work together, you will be a completely new person GENERATING YOUR LIFE versus reacting to the circumstances of life…making progress from your true ESSENCE & FEMININE POWER!


This program is designed for those that have tried many things and they are still struggling to achieve their full potential. They may have hired other coaches, attended personal development workshops, read all the self-help books, and still found that none of these produced the results they’re wanting.


If you are ready to commit to a year-long transformational experience so you can once-and-for-all clear away a lifetime of patterns and habits that are holding you back, then I invite you to schedule a complimentary session to discuss the possibility of working together. 


I look forward to hearing from you!





“Mina has helped me to think about the opportunities that are out there and view these possibilities through a different lens. Having her guidance and support has been essential in pushing me to identify my passions and explore my options. It was helpful to understand what was holding me back, and identify what I wanted in life to propel myself forward. I would recommend Mina as a helpful coach and guide to anyone going through a transitionary time in their life.”
“Mina is so magical to me. She has shown me my power that I have had all along. I call her “the Brain Cracker,” because my brain feels like it is being opened up to so many new, amazing, energizing life forces that I had not dared to experience or too afraid to grasp. Mina has been my accelerator force to help me overcome obstacles in my personal and professional life much faster had I tried to accomplish it on my own. Thank you Mina Magic!”

Be Your Own Boss Making 6-7 Figures And Have Your Wildest Dreams Come True

Without Wasting Time On Systems That Don’t Work, Or Falling Short With Partial Results!

Receive my proven 7-Step Project Plan to get the actual results you want. Transforming the way you do goals.

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