Mina Satori


on solid ground

your foundation starts here

The Foundational Primer is the groundwork like the foundation on a home on which you
can build your future on – successfully.

Become Super Clear

Choose the area you want to focus on, and together we’ll create a clear plan to get you there.

Create Breakthroughs

I will masterfully coach you to create true lasting change and get past your obstacles.

Take Consistent Action

Learn techniques to overcome procrastination, self-sabotage, and fears so that you are unstoppable. 

what you’ll get

2 – Hours Of Personal Coaching PLUS A 30 – Minute Follow Up Session

Accountability, Resources, And New Insights To Help You Achieve Your Wildest Dreams


Special Introductory Price – $333

(Normally $500)


2 hours of private coaching (1st hour to create your project plan, 2nd hour we go into coaching)

Tools and resources provided to support you in getting the outcomes you want


BONUS when you sign up now:

Receive a 30 minute follow-up laser coaching call to check in and provide you with any additional accountability (value $100)


Why Mina Satori as Your Leadership Coach?

Hi, thanks for being here!

Since 2008 I’ve been supporting individuals just like you to receive the coaching, accountability, and resources they’re wanting in order to have a joyful life and a thriving business. My clients have moved on to earning 6 and 7 figures, marrying that ideal life-long partner, and living out their full potential without the self-limiting beliefs and fears that would normally hold them back.


The work that I do is truly transformative and will last beyond the sessions we have together. 

I can say this with confidence because I was once schlepping through life and had no purpose. I lost my job in the big mortgage crash of 2007, and I was dealing with a lot of fears and self-limiting beliefs that prevented me from gaining stable employment. I hired an Ontological Coach to support me to get through this stagnant situation. This journey completely changed my life and it led me on a new path to sign up for a coach training program that took 1 year to complete so that I can teach what I learned to others. By the time I graduated, I had over 200 hours of coach specific training and over 100 hours of experience coaching others. And I didn’t stop there. As I coached individuals to have big breakthroughs in their lives, I continued to pursue more personal and professional growth so that I become a master at entrepreneurship, marketing, and Ontological Coaching as well as biohacking my way to optimum health. 

What is Ontological Coaching you ask?

Ontology is the study of being. In a nutshell, the way we show up in life and the way we are being affects our outcomes. Our friends and families, our upbringing, our role models, and caretakers from childhood all have an influence on our behaviors and belief systems which shape who we are today. Most individuals struggle with lack of confidence, self-worth issues, and fears that prevent them from having a truly fulfilling, successful life. 

The good news is that all of these things can be turned around. At any given moment, a person can choose differently and change the trajectory of their lives. With the right support and tools, it is possible to completely alter a person’s life for the better.

And unlike traditional coaching, Ontological Coaching goes deeper to find the root cause of what’s holding a person back, and then move them past it and empower the client so that they can find their own answers and solutions to their problems. And this can happen in a very short period of time.

Now, if you’re wondering, I am not one of those coaches that will change your life in one or even two hours. This work will have immediate effects, and a person will find great value in just a few sessions with me. They will walk away with insight that they would’ve not otherwise have had.

However, in order for it to be truly lasting I recommend giving coaching at least 3 months to integrate into your life to see the results in your outer world.

The Foundational Primer program is just the beginning and it starts with you. Your inner world is merely a reflection of your outer world. 

And if you are willing to put in the effort to face your fears and your shadows, then I guarantee you have nothing to lose and more to gain when you come out on the other side.

It takes a lot of courage to look at ourselves closely to see how we are playing a role in the outcomes we get. Do not be afraid though. 

If you’ve read this far, then I will presume that you have a dream and desire to create a better life for yourself but don’t know how to achieve it or just need that accountability to obtain it.

What Will Become possible If you knew You Could Not Fail?

And what’s possible when you have structured support from a mentor who has done the work themselves and is trained to support you to no longer be held back by your fears and limiting beliefs?

I want to propose this idea to you…

I want you to be accomplishing your life’s work, experiencing abundance, and blooming in your relationships.


And if you are ready to begin a new journey, I promise that this is obtainable for you. It just requires faith and trust to believe that it can be possible.

Are you open to that and willing to take the first step?

If you are, then I invite you to sign up for this 2-hour session together so we can build the right foundation. Let’s work on your plans in a constructive and productive way.  I promise you won’t regret it.

By the time our work is done in this session, you will be crystal clear on:


  • What you want to achieve – your objective
  • When you will obtain your desired outcome
  • What action steps will get you there
  • And identifying what resources you need that will support you along the way

If you don’t have a specific goal or you’re unsure about where to begin, no worries!

I will support you to figure that out. We will first discuss what you’re thinking and brainstorm on ideas to determine what area would be most beneficial for you to focus on. Then we will co-create your plan.

Once you have a solid objective and a set of action steps in place, I will coach you on anything that could get in the way of moving forward with your plan so that nothing gets in the way of your success.

So bring your big ideas and let’s make magic happen!

I look forward to hearing from you.

Much love,


Mina’s coaching helped me to get clear about my goals and gave me the toolset to make them happen. Using her plan I was able to be more productive than I even knew I could be. I got my product launched in just a couple months and sold out before Christmas. Mina guided me to the right perspective during a big shift in my life. When things seemed overwhelming and confusing she helped me to focus and find the specific steps to take each day to reach my goals.

Chelsea Wesley

Coach Mina is an amazingly gifted intuitive Life Coach! I’ve had so many ‘Aha!’ moments with the coaching I’ve received from her. I’m living a larger life as a result of knowing and being coached by her! Thank you for all of your coaching and support Mina!!

Debbie Thompson

begin building your future today!


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